Today was a long one for us here. We had several Afghani civilians come for follow-up care, and one gentleman with a broken leg. Soon after he came out of surgery, we heard that an American vehicle had been hit by an IED. Five soldiers came in all: three were bruised and shook up, one had traumatic amputations to both of his legs below the knees, and one passed away. It is sad to see other soldiers die when they are in the service of their fellow man. They are serving and sacrificing so much for you and I and these Afghan people. They don't get paid very much, they often go days without sleep and showers, and some days go by without any food. Every day they put their life on the line. Seeing them injured and killed makes my heart ache, and my thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families. As I was thinking about this today, I thought of how much it meant to me that they would go through so much misery to fight for freedom from tyranny and terrorism. Then I realized how much the Savior went through for you and me to be free from death and hell and misery, and put immortality and eternal life within our reach, so that we could live with Him forever in the mansions of His Father with our families. He suffered the sins of all who have dwelt on this earth and died so that you and I could be happy forever. He truly is our Redeemer and He loves us.
Maybe this just means something to a deployed soldier, but I hope that all the readers understand at least part of my intent in sharing this thought. More pictures to come.
Thank you so much for that Kyle
Thank you for sharing! We just had a lesson on the Atonement today in church and your parallelism between what you see and the atonement was very fitting. I am so THANKFUL for those who do fight for our freedom.
Kyle, just wanted to thank you for your thoughts as well. I am very grateful for what you and everyone else over there are doing for me and my family to have the things we do. It is such a blessing to have the atonement in our lives and the knowledge to know that there is more for us after we leave this Earth. Again thank you! On another note, hope you are doing good. Miss you tons and think about you all the time. Shane definitely misses you tons. Hope you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are doing well. Little Ellie is getting bigger every day. Really love having a girl in the house. More pics are on our blog. Need to get together with your wife. All our love!!!!!!!
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