This year for Christmas we spent Christmas eve and Christmas morning at the Jennings and the rest of Christmas day at my parents house. Since Judson and Michelle were not going to be there on Christmas day we did presents with them Christmas eve. We woke up early Christmas morning to wake up Kyle's parents (I guess its a tradition they have) and had a nice morning with them opening gifts and eating yummy sticky pull a parts :). Then we headed over to my parents house and opened gifts with them and Ben, Natalie and Keelee. After we opened gifts I actually took a nap. I must be getting old, I don't ever remember taking a nap on Christmas before, and let me tell you it was awesome. Then we headed back home so Kyle could get up early to work the next day.
On the last weekend in December we drove to Colorado to visit Eric and Annie's family and attend Caleb's blessing. They just moved into a new house so we stuck around until tuesday so we would help them paint a couple rooms. It was a crazy house full of people, but it was a lot of fun to see them.
Seems like a good distraction
Cindy and Wynn Me, Marianne and Rowe

Keelee Christmas morning (left)

Apparently presents are not more important than a nap :)

Maia liked getting her picture taken with Caleb

Caleb and Me
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