Monday, September 24, 2012

Huntington Beach National Championships

This last weekend, Kyle and I had the opportunity to go to California to watch Whitney (friend, roommate and teammate from college) compete for the National Beach Volleyball Championships, in Huntington Beach.  We stayed in Laguna beach with her parents.  We flew in Friday morning and went whale watching off the coast of Newport.  We saw tons of dolphins and sea lions.  We finished off the night by going to sushi with Whitney in Laguna Beach.  Then the tournament was Saturday and Sunday.  There were 16 teams who made it in this tournament and two brackets.  She played 3 matches Saturday. On Sunday she was able to continue on to play the semi-finals, then the championship game.  Her and her partner won the national championship.  She played so well it was really fun to watch.  Then we went to Sushi to celebrate the win (sushi two nights in one weekend...can't complain about that).  It was a great weekend.

 Kyle took theses pictures of the Dolphins... I think they are cool.

Kyle and me on the boat.
                                  Poor little guy (Sea Lion) can't seem to fit on.

 The Captain of the ship estimated about a 1,000 Dolphins in this pod.

Whitney diving for a ball on Saturday.
 Just won the National Championship and getting their big fat check.
 Whitney and me after the Championship game
Out to Sushi to celebrate...Yum!  Whitney and her sister Chelsea, her mother Debbie, father Tom, Grandma Dippy, Kyle and me.

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