Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kyle's Homcoming

Kyle came home from Afghanistan on March 3rd after being gone for a year. Our families met at the airport, to greet him. After which we headed over to Jusdon and Michelle's for a brunch. We were lucky enough to have Tanya Garside some to the airport and take pictures. She does a great job, and we would recommend her as a photographer to anyone. Her website is

Kyle and I being interviewed by Channel 4 news.

Faith asking Kyle "what the Army Guys keep in their big army bags"?

Kyle meeting Ben and Natalie's baby Keelee for the first time.

Kyle with his siblings

Kyle and Eva


Mary said...

Wow, congrats on the homecoming Kyle. We are so grateful for you and your service. Looking forward to seeing you and Evalyn and hearing about your experience.

Sarah said...

Welcome home Kyle!! Ev you look beautiful!

Katie Bayles said...

You look beautiful Ev.


Washington DC