Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas In Afghanistan

A little before Christmas Kix Brooks and Robin Williams visited Kyle's hospital in Afghanistan. This is what he had to say about it "they just knocked on the door, came in and got a tour from one of our guys who didn't recognize anyone ;). Finally he said, "you're that one guy!" Robin williams was very quiet, very kind. He offered to mail us some stuff for the kids that we have coming through, local nationals. Cracked some jokes here and there; when we were getting our picture taken, Kix Brooks walked in front, ducking under the camera, and he said "watch out, big guy coming through" in a quiet, tired voice. Still very funny. and very hairy. :)"

1 comment:

DGri said...

COOL!!!!! Yay! :-) My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your fam.


Washington DC