This last weekend my Mother and I drove to Colorado to visit Eric and Annie for a couple of days. We arrived late Friday night. Saturday we spent the morning drawing with chalk on the driving. Creating everything from roads for their bikes, to tracing Faith and Alex, then coloring their faces and cloths on. On Saturday afternoon after lunch at PF Changs we walk around the local outdoor mall. There just happen to be fountains that Faith and Alex could run through, being that it was a hot day it was a great way to cool off. We attended church with them Sunday, Faith enjoyed trying to find the correct hymn number before it was time to sing the song so we would be ready to go. When church was over Alex was excited to show everyone what he colored in nursery. They seem to be growing up so fast.

I took this picture of the sky from my car on the way home. I am not sure if taking pictures out of the window is safe while driving 85mph but I couldn't resist the sky looked so cool.
It seems like since Kyle has been gone I don't seem to be in very many pictures since I am usually the one taking them now.
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