Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kyle's Birthday Celebration

Kyle's Birthday was on Sunday the 11th since he had to work Friday-Sunday we had to be a little flexible when trying to figure out when to celebrate. On Thursday my mom, dad, Ben, Natalie, Lydia and Grandma all came over for dinner. That is a lot of people for our small space so it was pretty cozy. We made homemade mango ice cream and my mom brought down apple pie.

On Monday Kyle and I reserved the day to celebrate with just the two of us. I decided to plan a full day of fun activities to do together. Kyle had no clue what was planned from one thing to the next. I wrote out clues that he had to open for each activity. First we went to lunch then to a movie. After that we went bowling and went speed racing. Then it was time for dinner so we went out to dinner and then to a ward activity, then back home to relax together. It was a pretty busy day but so much fun to get to spend all that time together. By the end of the day I think he was more excited about getting to open a clue and figure it out than the actual activity.

The celebration continues this Sunday with his family.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow what a busy, fun weekend. Happy birthday Kyle!


Washington DC