Sunday, October 25, 2009

Awesome Night Out

On Friday night we went out with some friends to Salt Lake and ate at
the Market Street Broiler and Grill. They have some of the best seafood I have ever had, and it was awesome.

After we ate, we walked over to Kingsbury Hall for a Halloween show called Thriller. It's a show full of dancing and comedy. Our friends go every year and this year invited us to go. It was very entertaining. I would go again for sure.

Before the show begins there are dancers dressed up like Zombie's and they wonder around the crowd just being creepy. I took a picture of one of them as he was climbing over some of the chairs.


Sarah said...

Sounds like fun. I've always wanted to see Thriller. I have friends that go every year and rave about it.
I'm glad you guys had a good time.

Sarah Sidwell said...

that sounds awesome!


Washington DC