Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mission Organization

Between army stuff, scout stuff, work cloths, back packing equipment and school supplies it doesn't seem like there is ever enough places to put everything. So we decided to go through everything and part with anything we could bring ourselves to part with. As for the rest of the stuff we bought some wardrobe shelves to put it in. I should of taken a before and after picture since it was no small task to build these shelves. They looked so great at the store then when we brought them home they consisted of five boxes full of a million different pieces. It took me three days to build them but it is so nice to have more places to put stuff.


Sarah said...

Yay for organization! I love the feeling of a clutter free space. Way to go!!

Auntie Em said...

you go girl! that's awesome!

aristacrina said...

Wow, they look great though, despite the three day labor. I'm always trying to organize everything, but it seems like I never get anywhere, So good on you.


Washington DC